Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Du na nna nna nna..BATMAN!!!!
Batman and Elvis are ready to hit the streets!
We stopped in at our friend Riley's house just down the sidewalk. We love Miss Riley. Isn't she beautiful. No, she wasn't even dressed up, but she looks like a little Barbie doll!
Knock, knock...
Yep, it's Mrs. Lisa and our babysitter Miss Lindsee!
Neighbor (that we don't know), but grabbed onto Barrett for a picture. I think she liked my little Batman.
Barrett and Wyatt giving one another a "high-five" for a job well done!
Way to score some C A N D Y!!!!
You can bet that I've already hidden the candy from Barrett (and myself). I'm using the candy as a way to bribe Barrett to eat all of his dinner before getting a peice of Halloween candy.


Ashley said...

Amy I love the batman costume! It looks like Barrett had a great time. :) We missed you at the baby party...I hope to see you guys soon. We miss you!! I am also glad to see that Barrett is feeling better. :)

Dewawn Wiest said...

Awesome pictures! Looks like you all had a great time.