Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 Resolutions

I figured if I posted my resolutions...I might be more willing to stick to them.
I have to admit that I didn't come up with these resolutions alone. Actually our preacher at church shared with us his personal resolutions and encouraged us to try them. There are only 3...so that makes it easier for me.
Once he spoke of them, I found myself relating to each one of them in a deep, emotional way. I thought they were wonderful.
I invite YOU as well to join with me in my 2009 New Year's resolutions:

#1 Live life as though you have nothing to lose.
*Quit being afraid to show your faith, power, and love of God. So many times we try to hide the fact that we're strong Christians by not speaking out about the power of God. We tend to think it might change other's perception of us.
#2 Live life as though you have nothing to prove.
*We all seek acceptance and approval from our society, and we tend to spend so much time and effort trying to prove ourselves to other people. God loves us no matter what, and we don't have to earn his acceptance. We already have it!
#3 Let no one be left behind
*Think less of yourself and spend time praying for others. Take the initiative to reach out to others and lead them to Christ. Be someones "light".

Brother Chris went on to encourage us to set our cell phones, watches, or alarms to 3:16 (reference to the scripture, John 3:16) every day. When the alarm goes off, he asked that we take 60 seconds of our day to pray for someone else. John 3:16 - God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, so that each of us will never perish and have enteral life.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm in! Read my last post and tell me if you have read the first book. If not, you would like it...it kind of goes along with those resolutions.