Wednesday, January 14, 2009

8 months

Believe it or not, Barrett is turning 8 months old. Here are some of his latest things:
  • *His upper, right tooth finally broke through the skin. He now has 3 teeth.
  • *He loves laughing with me and at me. I've got a super happy child.
  • *He can crawl, but finds "army crawling" to be much faster (so that is what we choose to do when we need to get somewhere quick).
  • *He eats baby food (usually 1 and 1/2 jars) twice a day, but we're about to start feeding him 3 times a day.
  • *Loves his bath time. He's a little fish. I'm thinking about putting him in a baby swimming class soon.
  • *We've upgraded to a convertible car seat and Barrett loves it. He can see out the window and sets up much higher. Instead of moaning and grunting in the seat, he smiles and chatters while we're driving.
  • *He babbles much more and even squeals to get your attention. For some reason he is hooked on saying "da-da", but I to him, everything is da-da (or at least that's what I tell myself)
  • *Adores Blue's Clues. He watches it in the mornings while Matt and I are getting ready for work. Even Matt and I have the songs memorized and we tend to sing them throughout the day (I never thought that would happen!)
  • *Although we have don't have an accurate weigh-in, I know Barrett is over 20lbs and at least 33 inches tall. Although he is 8 months old, he wears a size 18 month in clothing! I pulled out an old onesize from when he was born, and literally cried at the sight of how small he use to be.


Amanda said...

Wow! Where has the time gone? He is such a cutie.

Jennifer said...

He is getting so big and so cute! I love that little cowboy chair!