Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brusha, Brusha, Brusha

Barrett loves taking a bath and brushing his teeth. He has learned to lean his head back when he is washing his hair, and insist on leaving the facet running the entire time he takes a bath. I know it's a waste of water, but he is so entertained by it. Forever, he was throwing fits about getting out of the tub, but now all I have to mention is brushing his teeth. That gets him out quickly.
My child loves to brush his teeth. He's such a big boy about it. However, he was screaming and crying when I would try to take the tooth brush out of his hand. To solve the problem (and it's actually worked pretty well so far), I went out and bought a timer. Yes, it sounds crazy, but it works. We set the timer for 1 minute and 30 seconds. When the timer beeps, Barrett knows to it's time to put the tooth brush down and get ready for bed.
(There isn't much video feed because my battery ran out. You get the idea of how much he enjoys it though.)

He also loves shoes and has been saying the word: SHOES for a while now. Just recently, he started trying to put on my flip flops and Matt's shoes. It's funny because he can actually get in them, but bless his heart...he trips and falls every time he tries to walk in them. I guess our shoes are too big and too heavy for him to pick his little feet up.

These last few shots were from a night we went out to dinner with our friends in Allen.


Taren said...

Gosh he is getting so big! We can't wait for ice-cream next week! I also can't wait to see how they "talk" to one another!

Amanda said...

So, so cute! Love the picture of him with Matt's shoes on. His arms in the air makes me laugh! :)

Kaci said...

Cute shirt!!!!! Hey, Kade's bday is firetruck themed...we are having a real one come to the house and take the kids for a should bring Barrett. (Oct. 25th 2-4)