Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Multi-post in One!

I've been meaning to put this little video clip of Barrett up for a few weeks now. On our most recent visit to Throckmorton, Barrett had his first big mud bath! We literally couldn't get him away from the watering hose. The most comical part was when he found the hole where the water came out of it. He kept sticking his finger inside of it, causing it to spray him in the face, and everyone around him as well. Then, he tried drinking from the hose and that was pretty funny too.
I took a lot of pictures, but as you will notice, the diaper ended up coming off, and so the best video, I can't show.
Here is a little of the action!

Our neighbor down the street has a little girl that is finally getting old enough to really socialize. While Barrett and I were hanging outside, we saw Miss Riley down the sidewalk and decided to pay her a visit. I think they really liked one another. Before long, they'll be riding their tricycles up and down the street together.
And finally, Barrett had his 15 month appointment today. Although we had shots, he didn't cry long and found the doctor's pen, rolling chair, and bright orange band aid a distraction from all the pain.
We had wonderful responses from the pediatrician about Barrett's growth and development.
He weighed 27.4 lbs and was 35 inches tall (almost a yard -haha)
I was anxious to know how tall he was because I've been trying to stock up on school clothes for the fall. Yep, most of his clothes have a big ole T next to them!!! As of now, he is in a 2T, but at the pace he is growing, I'm thinking a 3T might be the thing to buy soon (for his length anyway).
I can't believe he is already 15 months!!! He is so much fun! My best little friend.


Amanda said...

Love those water pics! He is adorable! Can't believe he will be in a size 3T soon. Where is the time going???

The Pustejovskys' said...

wow! Really 2T! Brayden just switched this summer to 4T! What a growing boy. Of course, his momma and daddy are tall!